Dating tips for men

For your first date (if you are looking for a commited relationship) all you’ll want to do is get to the second one. Chances are, if she wanted to go on a first date, she’s interested. All you have to do is not spoil it and comfort will build over time! Here area the main three tips on how to be successful in the first date.

Tease her

When you first meet a woman, tease her about something. Anything. It doesn't matter what it is, just as long as you do it early on to get her attention.

For instance, you might say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you carrying a gun in there?" Or maybe, "Those are some pretty tall shoes, what are you, like, 4' tall without them?" Whatever. The fact is, if you tease a woman from the off, it immediately shows that you're not a Wuss, and that you like to have fun. This is huge.

But whatever you do, make sure that what you say is actually funny, or you'll come off looking like a bigger prat than you would have otherwise.

Be "cool"

After you start talking to her, look around at other things; try to seem kind of preoccupied. In other words, be cool, loose and relaxed, always making your funny remarks with a totally carefree, detached tone. Basically, you want to sound as comfortable as when you're talking to your best friend. This confident, in-control attitude is very attractive to all women -- especially when it's perfectly combined with humour.

Take control

The fastest way to do this is by never asking (or answering) any direct questions. To keep the suspense and intrigue building, let her do all the asking -- and be prepared with answers.

Odds are she'll hit you with something like: "What do you do?" or, "Where do you live?" or even, "Tell me about your family," so have funny answers in your back pocket -- answers that never give her exactly the information she wants.

Most guys say, "Oh, I'm an engineer," or "I'm a stock broker." Boring. This is a total conversation (and attraction) killer.
If she asks what you do, say something like, "Oh, funny you should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein underwear model."

Keep up the mystery, stay confident and, above all, keep her laughing.

This was a very brief guide on dating tips. If you’re looking for more information, you will definitely want to check out "The Complete Tao Attraction System", "300 Creative dates" or "Marni's Collection", which contains a much more in-depth approach to cover the areas this small article can’t reach.

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