With gas prices rising out of control, many people are looking for information on how to build an HHO cell. These popular gas saving devices utilize inexpensive parts that can be found at any local hardware store, along with plain tap water to improve fuel economy and clean up emissions. An important thing to remember when looking at how to build an HHO cell, is not to get caught up thinking there are several different designs as some would lead you to believe. Although there are some neat deviations from the original design, such as the 6-pack for big trucks, all of them still operate on the same basic principle. |
HHO cells are also known as HHO generators or hydrogen gas savers, and operate by actually generating HHO gas directly from water. HHO gas itself is a hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture which is created through the process of electrolysis. Electrolysis is nothing but a fancy term for passing an electrical current through water. The electrical current will be provided by your vehicles battery/alternator. In order to supplement gasoline usage, HHO gas is directed from the cell to the engine air intake via a vacuum tube. After entering the intake, it travels with the air into the engine where it will supplement the gasoline for combustion. |
That being said, the basic design consists of a water reservoir, electrolysis parts, tubing, and some hardware to mount the reservoir underneath the hood. Beyond that, there is not much when it comes to how to build an HHO cell. There is some simple wiring involved as well. You will generally wire the electrolysis equipment so that it is on anytime the engine is running, but you can also wire it up with an on/off switch ran to your cars cabin for easy operation.