Welcome to Neonergies |
In this day and age, the world needs to look at the different natural energy sources available to us. Global warming could be due our energy craving lifestyle, so we should look into more environmentally friendly energy sources.
In this site you'll discover a wide range of weird and uncommon energy sources you can use today, how to get them and where through interesting articles and other recommended products which you can purchase in this site.
We'll deal with interesting issues such as Tesla's discovery for generate free energy 100 years ago, how to turn your own car into an electric one and don't have to pay for gas anymore or how to extract useful and free energy from magnets or surrounding antennas!
Besides you'll become an expert in terms of fuel efficient vehicles, gas saving devices or renewable energy and you'll discover simple steps for reducing your carbon footprint that you can take in your daily life to do your part to help save our environment for the future.
Main purpose of Neonergies
This web was created in order to let the world know about existing but unfamiliar energies that will help you to save money in your bills and even earn some extra money using and marketing some of the new ideas in this site.
Neonergies' structure
The contents are divided in three main categories:
- Articles: thanks to this "Do it yourself" section, you'll learn more about what you can do for both save money and save the planet at the same time
- Documentaries: in this section you'll find interesting theories about why we're still using fossil fuels and the solutions for human beings
- Products: here you'll find a large variety of e-books, DVDs and tutorials which will explain you the steps to make this new ways of energy come true in your day to day and more...