

Homemade wind energy


Wind energy is a renewable source of energy with enormous potential of solving most environmental concerns faced today and reducing energy costs drastically. As fuel prices are climbing higher and transportation is becoming more expensive, tapping wind energy for electricity is a cheap alternative for energy needs. Another problem of grave consequence is global warming. Burning of fossil fuels emits harmful greenhouse gases that trap heat radiations and raise the world's average temperature. All these problems can be taken care of by buying or making your own residential wind turbine. A home wind turbine can prevent up to 2 tones of harmful pollutants from entering the air.  
 They are often called small wind turbines, and are installed high on a tower. A home supplied by wind electricity is also served by the local utility. The threshold wind speed required to generate electricity is approximately 4.4 m/s (10 miles per hour). When the wind speed falls below this level, electricity is supplied by the local utility (for which you need to pay according to the usage), or you can have installed some solar pannels in case of lack of wind.

On the other hand, if the wind electricity output is more than your requirement, the energy can be sold to the utility. This is all done automatically and you do not have to worry about buying or selling electricity at any point of time.

Unlike a windmill that pumps water or turns a grinding wheel, a wind turbine generates electricity from the wind’s kinetic energy-that’s the energy of motion. When wind moves the turbine’s blades, it turns a shaft connected to an electrical generator. The generator feeds electricity to your home.

A major concern for consumers interested in buying or building a residential wind turbine is the possible noise associated with. Even though the machinery will make some noise, it is not enough to interfere with any daily task. Most only make noise if the thin trailing edge of the blade is not shape enough. The trailing edge of the blade is where the sound comes from. Another concern is whether the location has a wind speed of over 10 miles per hour (4.4 m/s). Wind generators are installed at least 20 to 30 feet above the ground, and that would give enough height for a higher wind speed. There is no doubt wind power generation will increase the higher the turbine is installed.

Find out if your geographical situation suits the necessary wind speed conditions in the pdf USA map. Note that this values of wind speed are in meters per second, not in miles per hour (10 Miles per Hour is equal to 4.4704 Meters per Second)

The initial investment in buying a wind turbine for home starts from $6000 and go up to $25000, but if you decide to make your own wind turbine, the total price including the tower starts from 750$ up to $1500. This is not much if you consider the fact that your electricity bill will be reduced as soon as you start using you home generated wind electricity, and if you keep all your light off on a windy day you can even make some money by selling surplus power to local utilities. With the current state of economy, investing in the stock market is very risky, but investing in a residential wind turbine is money saved and money made.

If you are interested in installing this devices in your home, but you aren't willing to pay expensive prices for them, here are some complete guides and video tutorials that will explain you how to make and install them step by step.

Make your own wind turbine now! (1st recommended option )
Make your own wind turbine now! (2nd recommended option )
Make your own wind turbine now! (3d recommended option )


Build the tower for your wind turbine now!


Get your wind energy guide now!


Make your own wind turbine and solar panels now! (1st recommended option )
Make your own wind turbine and solar panels now! (2nd recommended option )
Make your own wind turbine and solar panels now! (3rd recommended option )



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